Light minded and slightly vagabond, I recently took a stroll in my Botanical Garden. I remember reminiscing on the memories of my childhood. Apprentice at the time, as adventurous and creative as all the other teenager, I would dare experiment will all types of mixtures, even the most uncommon. So as you can imagine, anything that surrounded me could end up in my potions: Carum carvi, Gentianaceae, Mentha, Cinnamomum verum, etc. One of these ingredients always seemed to intrigue me: the Hyssopus officinalis.

As misguiding as its name may be, the hyssopus officinalis belongs to the family of Mentheaes and is therefore a sister of my mint, my origan or even my thyme. Also called hysope, this humble and tonic plant often gave an original touch to my creations. The Hyssopus officinalis would add a delicate and happy note that would reveal the quality of my best mixtures. The flavors and aromas of this herb is so similar to the one of my mint and my thyme, and yet, so different.
I remember reading a long time ago the passage below. These few words borrowed to a famous manuscript describes perfectly the role of the Hyssopus officinalis in my experiences.
“And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the bason, and strike the lintel and the two side posts with the blood that is in the bason; none of you shall go out at the door of his house until the morning”

Reading theses lines again, I can’t help notice the similarity between this text and my Negroni cocktail. By perfuming my Negroni with HYSOPE’s tonic water, you will make it as light as air and as refreshing as ice. This beverage will be made for you.
After long hours of reflection, I wonder if this elegant marriage in my Negroni Tonic is in fact born through the relationship of these two brand’s creators. We are both French, attracted by our love for natural and premium products, it is almost as if we were made to cross path. Some might say that a game of Tarot de Marseille would have predicted it, others will tell you that it is one of the mysteries of life.
But whether you believe in one or the other, I invite you to try my Negroni with HYSOPE’s French and organic Tonic Water